Individuals, Couples & Family Therapy


Services Offered



Individual Therapy

The key to successful therapy is the creation of a safe space, one that allows for open exploration of one's experiences. When this occurs, individual therapy can be very rewarding. When meeting with adults or with children alone, I am able to focus on them exclusively, which allows for the creation of a unique relationship. Within the security of this relationship, new ways of thinking and relating can emerge. I offer a combination of support, listening, consultation, encouragement, feedback, guidance, and education, based on the needs of each individual.


Couples Therapy

Most of us feel better in life if our primary relationships are going well. I provide couples therapy to those who are looking to build, re-build or enhance their connection. My role is to create a safe space for couples to connect, by teaching ways of communicating which feel satisfying, increasing mutual empathy, and addressing resentments that may have developed. I also provide therapy for those who are considering or decided upon separation. I offer assistance with the tasks of decision making, planning transitions and attending to the needs of children. I aim to facilitate each of these tasks in an environment of respect and consideration.


Family Therapy

When one member of a family is struggling with a problem, all family members are usually affected in some way. Though family members may feel helpless or frustrated at times, it has been my experience that parents and siblings have an opportunity to be part of the helping process. Healthy family relationships can change a person's perceptions of their struggles, and reduce feelings of loneliness and shame. I conduct family sessions to help families reach their potential for feeling good and enjoying life together. Family sessions may include talk, play, and/or art projects, with the goal of helping families connect and increase their understanding of one another.


Parent Coaching

Parenting can be gratifying, fulfilling and a source of great joy. It can also generate feelings of incompetence, frustration, and complete exhaustion. I am here as a support, a "back up". I can provide coaching in order to help parents carefully consider their parenting approach, expand on what is already working, and build skills that are needed in order to best meet the needs of the entire family. I use my extensive training and experience working with a range of children, as well as the many ideas that parents have generated in order to provide you with a wider range of options. I can also offer to parents, who are raising a child or children with emotional difficulties, my experience working with children who may need a more tailored approach.








Erica Berger 














Connecticut Ave. NW
Suite 2N
Washington, D.C.

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